Philosophy of Snakes Wikia

Frank Jackson argues that the intrinsic nature of certain mental states - qualia - is irreducible. This is an argument for a kind of dualism. Jackson accepts that the brain must have some role to play in the production of consciousness.

This totally wouldn't be okay in the real world[]


Frank Jackson - The Knowledge Argument - Mary's Room - Mary the Super-Scientist

As philosophers are wanton to do; the Knowledge Argument involves hypothetically locking a woman named Mary in a black and white room.

Here, she is sealed away from all colour until well into adolescence. In this time, she learns all there is to know about colour; 'which neutrons fire when looking at blue', 'what the cosmic radiation of red is' and 'where purple sits on the electromagnetic spectrum', etc.

The question then is, if she escaped from the world of pretentious instagram, into the wider world of colour filters, would she learn anything new?
